Crop Health

Crop health monitoring is a critical component of precision agriculture, allowing farmers to assess the health and vigor of their crops, identify areas of stress or damage, and make informed decisions about irrigation, fertilization, pest management and crop protections.

Crop Health

NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) is a widely used technique for crop health monitoring. NDVI measures the difference between the reflectance of near-infrared (NIR) and red light in plants. Healthy vegetation reflects more NIR and absorbs more red light than unhealthy vegetation, resulting in a high NDVI value. However, other indices can also be used for crop health monitoring, such as the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and the Chlorophyll Index (CI). EVI improves the sensitivity of NDVI in areas of high biomass and dense vegetation while CI measures chlorophyll content in leaves and can provide information about plant nutrition status. By combining these indices with other sources of data, such as weather and soil data, farmers can gain a comprehensive understanding of their crops' health and make more effective management decisions. Overall, crop health monitoring is essential for ensuring optimal crop production, reducing yield losses, and promoting sustainable agriculture.

WE are Providing All Crop Health Indices to farmers and all from SAC-ISRO Vedas data and over Omagri model. We provide crop health with the facility of live location so; farmer can easily find crop stress area and can take necessary action for crop protection. We also provide advisory facilities by chat, photos and call in apps to get easy help for Our Krushi care platform.

crop health
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